Morning Walk

New Mexico is having some great weather lately - cool nights, warm days, blue skies.  If you live somewhere else, I'm sorry.
    I took a long walk down by the river on Monday morning with my Kodak Retina Reflex and its newly installed prism.  I thought it turned in a stellar performance.  Of course, it is a little hard to be completely objective when you bring a camera back to life.  The fact that it makes pictures at all seems somewhat miraculous, particularly when you are a rather clumsy repairman like me.  On the other hand, I have a Retina II, a Retina IIa and a Retina IIc that have the same Xenon lens as the Reflex, and they also make excellent images.  So, I think I'm on safe ground to claim that the Retina Reflex performs equally well in that respect.  The other thing those Retinas have in common are extraordinarily quiet shutters.  Even more surprising in the Reflex model is the fact that the mirror and aperture stop-down mechanism do not seem to add any noise to the exposure process.  Below are some pictures of the recent outing.  The camera out-performed the photographer by a substantial margin, but I'm working to catch up.

Morning Walk Morning Walk Reviewed by Unknown on November 20, 2018 Rating: 5

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