Fingers Crossed

I'm still hoping to hit on a method of keeping my Olympus XA2 in the game.  I have had some inconsistent results from the camera which seem to be attributable to the light meter.  My impression was that the meter was reading too much light in bright conditions, resulting in under exposure.  I decided to test that idea by setting the camera's ASA index to the box speed of the Kodak Gold 200 which I had loaded, and shoot the whole roll that way.  Sure enough, the negatives were all very thin, even those exposed in low light situations.  So, the next roll will be shot at a stop slower.

These shot don't look bad, but they required additional exposure compensation in scanning.  Others on the roll did not have recoverable detail in the shadows.
Fingers Crossed Fingers Crossed Reviewed by Unknown on November 16, 2018 Rating: 5

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